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House of Vivaah
Vows Vachan
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House of Vivaah
Vows Vachan
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(+853) Macao
(+389) Macedonia
(+261) Madagascar
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(+60) Malaysia
(+960) Maldives
(+223) Mali
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(+692) Marshall Islands
(+596) Martinique
(+222) Mauritania
(+269) Mayotte
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(+377) Monaco
(+976) Mongolia
(+1664) Montserrat
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(+258) Mozambique
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(+1868) Trinidad & Tobago
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(+1) USA
(+7) Uzbekistan
(+678) Vanuatu
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(+58) Venezuela
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(+1340) Virgin Islands - US
(+681) Wallis & Futuna
(+969) Yemen (North)
(+967) Yemen (South)
(+260) Zambia
(+263) Zimbabwe
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